一個女人在清醒中瘋狂 - 給女高音 (2021) - 8'30''
Into a Woman's Lunacy - for soprano
Into a Woman's Lunacy - for soprano
*此作品獲頒維也納舒伯特音樂學院作曲世界盃第二獎 (2022)以及維也納Academia Musica音樂藝術世界盃第二獎(2021)
黑泥河 - 給女低音與鋼琴 (2020) - 4'
Blackmud - for contralto and piano
Blackmud - for contralto and piano
關於獨處 - 給女高音與鋼琴 (2019) - 20'
About Solitude - for soprano and piano
About Solitude - for soprano and piano
女高音:Peiqi Huang
Mvt. 1 - Solitude I - 0'00''
Mvt. 3 - The Lake Isle of Innisfree - 3'19'' Mvt. 5 - Solitude II - 6'50'' Mvt. 7 - Thoughts Come and Go in Solitude - 12'10'' Mvt. 9 - Alone - 15'17'' |
1. 獨處 I (Solitude I)
2. 老池塘 (The Old Pond)
3. 茵尼斯湖畔 (The Lake Isle of Innisfree)
4. 墓地 (Shaking the Grave)
5. 獨處 II (Solitude II)
6. 這路上 (On This Road)
7. 在獨處之中我的思緒升起又落下 (Thoughts Come And Go in Solitude)
8. 看!(Won’t You Come and See)
9. 孤 (Alone)
1. 獨處 I (Solitude I)
2. 老池塘 (The Old Pond)
3. 茵尼斯湖畔 (The Lake Isle of Innisfree)
4. 墓地 (Shaking the Grave)
5. 獨處 II (Solitude II)
6. 這路上 (On This Road)
7. 在獨處之中我的思緒升起又落下 (Thoughts Come And Go in Solitude)
8. 看!(Won’t You Come and See)
9. 孤 (Alone)
如夢令 - 給女高音,長笛,小提琴,大提琴,古典吉他,擊樂 (2019) - 8'30''
The Tune of Ru Meng Ling - for soprano, flute, percussion, classical guitar, violin, cello
The Tune of Ru Meng Ling - for soprano, flute, percussion, classical guitar, violin, cello
指揮:Maurice Cohn
長笛:Eric Bergeman
擊樂:Andrew Lauler
古典吉他:Andrew Gomez-Ramirez
女高音:Peiqi Huang
小提琴:Justin Zeitlinger
大提琴:Joëlla Becker
長笛:Eric Bergeman
擊樂:Andrew Lauler
古典吉他:Andrew Gomez-Ramirez
女高音:Peiqi Huang
小提琴:Justin Zeitlinger
大提琴:Joëlla Becker
知否? 知否?