2024 翼之舞,翼之怒 - 給管弦樂 Wrath of the Winged Dance - for orchestra 微風裡的希望 There is Hope in the Air - for harp, soprano, violin and cello 2023 尋,歸途 - 給四部混聲合唱與鋼琴 Seek, Home - for SATB choir and piano 一枚銅板 A Penny More - for contralto voice and bass clarinet 外星人.高麗菜.我 - 給影像與電聲 Alien, Cabbage, and Me - for live electronics and video 賀 平庸 - 給低音管,擊樂,女低音,鋼琴,以及中提琴 Celebration of Mediocrity - for bassoon, percussion, alto voice, piano, and viola 鏡中我 - 給短笛,女高音,以及低音提琴 Selves - for piccolo, soprano, and double bass 2022 原始材料 - 給電聲 Raw Materials - for electronics 破碎之脈動 - 給低音號與鋼琴 Broken Pulsation - for tuba and piano 玻璃囚 - 給大提琴 In a Glass Jar - for cello 萬花之影 - 給小型管弦樂 Kaleidoscopic Venture -for sinfonietta 門鎖之後 - 給擊樂 The Locked Enigma - for percussion 絢渦- 給管弦樂 Swirls of Glitter - for orchestra 2021 拼貼遺忘 - 給電聲 Collage of Oblivion - for electronics 炒鍋裡的彈珠- 給鋼琴與電聲 Marbles in the Wok - for piano and electronics 一個女人在清醒中瘋狂- 給女高音 (女高音與電聲) Into a Woman's Lunacy - for soprano (with or without live electronics) 廢棄工廠 - 給三個振盪器,兩個蜂鳴器,兩個光感測器,八個LED燈,以及電聲 Metal and Dust - for triple oscillator, two buzzers, two photosensors, eight LED lights, and electronics 癲愛 - 給低音管與豎琴 Mad Girl's Love Song - for bassoon and harp 被偷走的家 - 給鋼琴三重奏 Stolen Nest - for piano trio 雪 - 給低音長笛 The Sweep of Downy Flacks - for bass flute 2020 廢墟的倒影 - 給古典吉他 Reflection on Buried Fragments - for classical guitar 九首鋼琴小品 Nine Pieces for Piano 黑泥河 - 給女低音與鋼琴 Blackmud - for contralto and piano 2019 如夢令 - 給6位演出者 The Tune of Ru Meng Ling - for soprano, flute, percussion, classical guitar, violin, and cello 關於獨處 - 給女高音與鋼琴 About Solitude - for soprano and piano 織起血的吟詠 - 為小型管弦樂 Woven Veins - for sinfonietta 失慾 - 為管弦樂 Lost Lust - for orchestra 2018 琥珀 - 為單簧管與豎琴 Ambar - for clarinet in Bb and harp 第二號弦樂四重奏《交織》String Quartet No. 2 “Intertwined” 2017 撞擊 - 為管弦樂 Collision - for orchestra 鐘面上的高跟鞋 - 為鋼琴四重奏 High Heels on the Clock Face - for piano quartet 2016 蛹蛻 - 為管弦樂 Transmutation - for orchestra 子宮,洋,晨星 - 為兩把小提琴、兩把大提琴、兩把長笛、單簧管、鋼琴與擊樂 Womb, Ocean, Morning Star - for 2 flutes, clarinet in Bb, percussion, piano, 2 violins, and 2 cellos 2015 第一號弦樂四重奏《框》String Quartet No. 1 “Frame” |