外星人.高麗菜.我 - 給影像與電聲 (2023) - 6'
Alien, Cabbage, and Me - for live electronics and live video
Alien, Cabbage, and Me - for live electronics and live video
遺忘的拼貼 - 給電聲 (2021) - 5'30''
Collage of Oblivion - for electronics
Collage of Oblivion - for electronics
炒鍋裡的彈珠- 給鋼琴與電聲 (2021) - 8'
Marbles in the Wok - for piano and electronics
Marbles in the Wok - for piano and electronics
鋼琴:趙奕翔 I-Hsiang Chao
一個女人在清醒中瘋狂 - 給女高音與電聲 (2021) - 10'
Into a Woman's Lunacy - for soprano and live electronics
Into a Woman's Lunacy - for soprano and live electronics
女高音:Rachel Singh
廢棄工廠 - 給三個振盪器,兩個蜂鳴器,兩個光感測器,八個LED燈,以及電聲 (2021) - 5'30''
Metal and Dust - for triple oscillator, two buzzers, two photosensors, eight LED lights, and electronics
Metal and Dust - for triple oscillator, two buzzers, two photosensors, eight LED lights, and electronics